
Thursday, July 31, 2008

A geeky rehearsal invite

After catching a post about people using their Wii Mii's (or something with lots of i's) on their wedding invitations I had the idea to make our rehearsal dinner invitations using a fancy pancy Lego character creator (I wasn't allowed to play with Lego's when I was little but my guy loved them).

First I downloaded a really fun program from that lets you build kits that you can later buy (if you so choose), then to make the characters I used a simple program on-line.

I haven't gotten much further than this, but I thought I'd share.And yes the groom is dressed up as Han Solo (closest I could get to a tux) and I don't have DD's now to just come up with some wording.


  1. i like this idea! very cute and personal. i wanted to give our rehearal dinner favors these mouse pad's to represent that we met online.

  2. haha, that's awesome! yay for creativity!

  3. You guys melt my little heart with your geekiness!

    But seriously, you weren't allowed to play with lego?!
