
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Candle Addict

I'll admit it, I am addicted to Yankee Candle. My best friend and I would go out of our way to just smell all the candles and compare which ones we liked and which ones were just awful (personally any that reeked of perfume or smelled like guy soap were vetoed but the fresh grass was amazing).

I got their latest Halloween catalogue and I fell in love with some of the candle accessories.

If anyone else is planning a Halloween wedding like we are this is just too perfect.
It's a Bride and Groom taper holder. They even have some of those blood dribbling ones you can add (though I am sure you could get cheaper elsewhere, just don't tell them I said that).

As for me, I am gonna get myself the Autumn Leaves candle for a fall scent at the reception and maybe this cool thing (more for our house than anything else).


  1. I have a box filled with candles and candle accessories. Mine are all from Partylite though ause my sister used to sell it. Partylite candle smell SOOO good. But, yes, I also am completely addicted to candles. Yankee also has some great candles!!!! I have about 10 Christmas wax tarts in my stuff to go.

  2. Ha ha that bride and groom candlestick is brilliant!
