
Friday, August 29, 2008

Just for the stalker in you

There's a weird new thing blogger will let you do.

Apparently if you want to proclaim your love of a blog you can stalk them, or follow them, or something like that.

Well I figured it might be fun to see if anyone out there really enjoyed my wackiness.

If you have a blogger account all you have to do is click the "Follow this blog" up in the corner.

And for our first stalker, Valerie from totally imbalanced who has a cute cat and is getting married in 21 days, I give you a huge ice cream sundae.

And for any of those batman or Lego fans out there, it's less than a month til Lego Batman! My guy is really excited for it, I just will have to figure out how to make Robin be cooler than he really is.

Everyone else I hope you have a good and relaxing Labor Day. We're gonna celebrate by cleaning out our apartment, and maybe have some crab legs (tasty tasty crab legs).


  1. Mmmm...with the picture of that dessert I was almost unable to concentrate on your Labour day to you!

  2. Haha, thanks for the sundae. That's just what I need to keep fitting into my dress. ;)

    *stalks, stalks*

    If only my blog were as entertaining as yours!

  3. The Batman Lego game looks like so much fun! I hadn't seen anything about it yet. Happy Labor day!

  4. hmm, i'm not sure i get it. i already stalk you by subscribing to your blog on my google reader, and i advertise it by linking you on my blog. i guess this is blogger's more direct way of letting everyone else know that i do it. fine with me!
