
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Come to the open house

Of my re-opening of the Introverted Wife.

That's right, I'm trying to embrace my new change in life status (crazy me thinking there really was only one change in life status: alive to not. Though I guess there are always zombies) with a quick blog redecoration and header re-design.

I have no idea what direction this blog will be heading in (though I still have lots more wedding stories to tell) but I'm sure it'll be a wild ride.

Won't you join me?


  1. Sounds great. I'm looking forward to what you have to say as always!

  2. Congrats! You are a "WIFE!" I love the new look!

  3. Thanks for the comment. :) I've been slowly catching up on reading your posts now that I've emerged from my hole again. ;) I love how your wedding turned out and everyone looks like they had so much fun! :D

  4. Love the new look. I guess I better get on that too.
