
Monday, December 8, 2008

Picture a Day-Day 6

I love going to any restaurant that lets you have chop sticks. Not because I have a clue how to use them but my husband uses them and it's entertaining as hell to watch him eat.He loves food so much you almost see a look of pain on his face as he tries to figure out how to quickly get all that tasty food from his plate into his stomach (probably why he's a food scientist and all). This is doubly so for curry. He is mad about anything curry.

I have just accepted the fact that when there is food on the table I couldn't get him to look up even if the kitchen caught on fire, aliens landed and a dinosaur was in the living room.

Does anyone elses fiance/husband get super excited when certain food comes out? Or has anyone mastered the art of chopsticks?


  1. Tai's half Japanese so he knows how to wield a chopstick. I'm learning and definitely getting better.

  2. I get that frustrated feeling around chopsticks as well.

  3. Yeah, I'm pretty skilled with chopsticks.

    Did you know that Chinese people use disposable chopsticks at every meal? Seriously, millions of people just throwing away their 'cutlery' all the time... such a waste. Get some decent ones and wash them up, people!

  4. I feel his pain. . .

    I love japanese and chinese. We go a lot. The chopsticks always piss me off because I'm so hungry and can never get the food to my mouth fast enough.
