
Monday, February 9, 2009

Flowers suck . . .

And are a pain in the ass to draw/paint.

If it weren't for the fact that I already had a teaser picture of this painting I'd probably bury it and forget I ever attempted it.

A lot of begging and re-painting went into this thing to try and cover up the stuff I messed up on and what just looked wrong. Really, who knew flowers could be so vindictive? I think they may be trying to get us thanks to all their fellow brethren that have perished thanks to Val day.

I think I'm going back to random pictures of trees. I like trees, they are straightforward and are generally one or two colors.

Flowers! What are ya gonna do?


  1. If I were you, I'd start with a single stem rather than a bunch. To me, that would be easier, but who knows...I could be wrong. In fact, I'm likely wrong.

  2. I don't think they "suck" at all, but what do I know. Love the colors and shapes you have going on there!
