
Friday, February 13, 2009

I got my Snow Day!

Well okay so it's more like a half a snow day.

As the snow picked up and the flakes kept getting bigger and bigger I was greeted by this as I looked outside around noon.
Finally at 2, the university got the stick out of its bum and decided to follow suit with the rest of the city and said it would close down at 3!

So I quickly called my husband and convinced him we should leave a bit earlier to beat out the rush.

The snow is so wet and clumpy it sticks to everything. These are my shoes trying to get to the car.
But now we're home, safe and warm and no longer having to be on the scary roads.
Only now that I got myself a half a snow day (okay more like a 2/5ths of a snow day) what should I do with it?

Is anyone else out there enjoying a snow day or are you all too busy planning your Valentine celebrations? And why couldn't we have just all stayed home today?


  1. No snow here! Have a great day! I can't wait to see what you guys got up to.

  2. Beautiful pictures - it just stopped snowing here. We don't live far from Offutt and they said 6.4" there. Guess I have to eat my words from this morning! LOL

  3. Oh, I miss snow days. Although I don't miss trying to drive in it. :) Stay warm!
