
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Picture a Day - Day 85

I just realized that I have become far too wordy in my posts. There is an essence of verbiage that is both unwarranted and unwanted. So in my quest to appease and enthrall my few fans I have decided to make it my resolution to banish as much grandiloquence as I can.

The sad thing is that I wrote all that without a thesaurus. I may need to go have a lie down.

What do you want? Oh right, right pictures. Well here they are. First up, the finished mac and cheese.It was wonderfully tasty, I loved the breadcrumbs mixed with some butter on top. I fear I could make a meal out of just that. And it was oh so creamy, I suppose adding real cream will do that.
It did take a long while to cook as it had to go from oh 38 degrees all the way up to about 120 in our crappy oven. Next time I'm thinking more cheese in there (because you can never have enough cheese) and maybe microwave it for a bit first.

Speaking of microwaves, there is one very important piece of equipment in every molecular lab that you probably have sitting in your own very office. Can you guess what it is? That's right, the spectrophotometer!No wait, that's actually a microwave. Apparently someone gave me the wrong script. And just to prove I'm not lying, here's what I was in fact microwaving:The microwave is needed to melt our good friend Mr. Agarose so it can be used to make our pure evil friend Mr. Gel. It's kinda like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde but with more radiation.

And my last picture is of bubbles. I had to work on removing all the bubbles out of a tube yesterday for a few hours and I just thought they looked kinda cool:

So, do you like the less verbose me? I'm hoping to get my posts down eventually to a picture, a three word sentence and one punctuation mark. Wish me luck.


  1. You are so funny, I have the opposite problem, I don't write enough! That mac and cheese looked delicious - my favorite comfort food! Those bubbles do look neat - I just love when you can catch those!!

  2. I think your posts are pretty hilarious. I usually at least have a chuckle, smirk or have to try to contain my laughter at work when I read your posts.

    The mac and cheese does look lovely! I'm glad it was tasty!

  3. You might be taking the shorter post to an extreme if you cut it down to 3 words. I may have to try the mac and cheese at my house it looks so yummy.

  4. The mac and cheese looks great!
    I think your posts are fine and not wordy at all!

  5. Umm this looks amazing!! I just ate but you made me hungry again!
