
Friday, March 5, 2010

Teenagers *sigh*

From the day we brought our little 10 pound bundle of puppy energy home I've been dreading the day Esme's hormones would kick in and I'd suddenly have a moody "I don't have to listen to you" teenager on my hand.

I've watched it happen at least three times before with my parents dogs. They're cute adorable 4 month olds who listen to just about every command you give them, love their owners and would never think of doing anything naughty.

Then the 6 month mark rolls around or so and suddenly they're ignoring your commands (and simple ones they knew at the age of 10 weeks like sit), sassing back when they don't want to do something like go outside, or joining a rebel biker group and getting tattoos of wolves as they spike their hair.

We've hit teenage overload. She's testing her boundaries big time, refusing to go out to her pen when before we hadn't had a problem since she first was introduced to it. And no is not a word that exists in her vocab anymore.

So it only seems fair that we get to embarrass the hell out of her every chance we can (I'm beginning to understand why parents like to pull out the baby book in front of your friends, payback).

Here is Esmeralda sporting the latest in doggie wear, a lovely set of pink leg warmers formed from the tentacles of her toy octopus she massacred:
They bothered her for a bit as she tried to figure out how to get them off:
But she quickly accepted her fate mostly because ball was involved. BALL! BALL! BALL!
I'd like to think this humbled her a bit, but I'm sure she'll be back to her slamming doors and screaming she's moving out when she turns one in no time.

Teenagers *sigh*


  1. I moved into a house with two such human creatures, then since that wasn't estrogen-y enough, they went out and got a female puppy that has now started her teenage saga as well. I feel your pain.

  2. I moved into a house with two such human creatures, then since that wasn't estrogen-y enough, they went out and got a female puppy that has now started her teenage saga as well. I feel your pain.

  3. You have your hands full we will see who is smarter than who (in my house the dogs definitely win) LOL

  4. We have a 4 month old puppy, and he's showing those signs already!
