
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Holy Shit, what's this?

After sitting on it, not literally unless I needed to find something in my what was once a painting room but has quickly turned into a junk pile of epic proportions, for almost a month I have finally listed my first new painting for sale in almost a half a year.

It's my Four Seasons scattered across Four canvases. Four!

As you can see it is difficult to keep them all from posing at a jaunty angle and acting like they're too cool for straight edges.

The edges are painted in a mock frame fashion because I thought the idea of a painting of trees surrounded by fake wood was kind of funny. Or I had some leftover brown, 6 of one half dozen of another.

If anyone's at all curious I have it for sale in my long neglected and unloved Etsy store - where dreams go to die.

There is another painting sitting in my room that hasn't been photographed or listed but I need to keep one back to cover any menacing skulls coming through the wall. It happens every winter when the graves get too cold and all the skeletons start scrambling to get in the house.

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