
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wedding picture envy

It's funny in a sad sort of way, it was always entertaining to look at other people's weddings before my own and to see what they would come up with. Some people go all out with a high class place complete with plate chargers and silk napkins

I'm more of a paper napkin and plastic plate person myself so catching any of those $50,000 weddings never stirred my deep waters of envy. If anything it made me happy we were so simple as it was one less thing to worry about and a lot less money spent.

But now my wedding is over along with a lot of other peoples in the blog'o'ball and we're all posting our re-caps/fun pro pics at the same time. Seeing how other peoples visions turned out makes our wedding feel like the weird little knicknack you got once on a lark and now keep in the closet.

Basically, while our wedding was good enough for me it just doesn't feel like it's really good enough to share with the world wide web and I've been second guessing putting any pictures up thinking "There's no way anyone really cares, or it's helping anyone." Or there are those really evil little thoughts "You know everyone's just laughing at it, right?" (thanks The Knot)

Maybe it's my little introverted thoughts but while I always at first want to show off one of my artistic endevours, after it's been out for a little while I begin to see all the cracks and faults and promptly want to take it all back.

And I just want to stress that no I don't regret wearing a tail or having a halloween reception, I'm just not sure if any of you really want to see pictures anymore.

So while I debate and decide here are two comparisons of my head table and a fancy wedding's one:

A nice expected head table.

And then there was our mess

Am I the only other crazy person who really doesn't want to share pictures for fear they don't measure up?


  1. Girl! Do not feel that way. You had YOUR wedding. And that is priceless. Whether someone spends 50k or 1k, the question at the end of the day is... was it what you wanted and envisioned?

    All i can say is keep the pictures coming. I love looking at them! :)

  2. You're not the only crazy person who feels that way, but (and let me stress this) it's an absolutely ridiculous way of looking at things.

    And I feel comfortable saying that because I get those same, nagging, 'they're just going to laugh at me anyway' sensation about Every. Single. Thing. that I do.

    I am loving the pictures of your wedding. It's happy and light-hearted and everything that a wedding should be in my mind. Do you know why it helps me? Because it doesn't look like that awful blue thing you posted a comparison picture of.

    While I'm planning, I keep worrying about how everyone tries to one-up everyone else. I expect everyone who attends my wedding to judge it based on how expensive things are. I think that they won't like it if it isn't living up to their expectations. But seeing your wedding, with everyone laughing and smiling and having a good time and everything looking cute and fun and playful and HAPPY -- I remember that some of the best weddings I have ever been to are ones where everyone just relaxed and it didn't feel like a standards contest.

    What's wrong with you, woman? Your wedding is perfect if it's perfect for you. And it helps those of us who don't want to live some ungodly-expensive fairytale experience, but do want to know that wedding can be non-traditional and still wonderful. We're not laughing.

  3. Hey don't let the biotches on the Knot ruin your happy memories. I helped plan my daughter's wedding, and we feel it was absolutely perfect. I know with absolute certainty, however, that if I flashed her pictures over at the Knot, here wedding would be picked over and laughed at. Horrors - we used labels on the wedding invitations!!!!!

    I never knew until I started reading the Knot that there were so many rules - You are supposed to reflect YOUR personality, but the wedding better be EXACTLY like everyone else's - or it will be ridiculed.

    So please keep the pictures coming. Halloween is one of my favorite seasons, and your wedding was an absolute delight - I would have loved to have been there.

  4. To be honest, the table in the first picture is just weird, with the enormous amount of petals, and the second row table (who want to sit on the second row of the head table?).

    But that's a bit besides the point. You're head table is lovely, and it already shows in this picture. If you want to beautify the picture some more to reflect the reality that you saw at your wedding, then try to fiddle a bit with it using some free photo editing software such as Picasa (really easy to use, with a lot of options).

    The harsh light of the flash makes even the most lovely details that are created with feeling look cold and lonely. Those professional pictures are almost all altered, so that makes it an unfair comparison to start with. And it's also unnecessary!

  5. Would you have felt comfortable with that first picture? Probably not. I love how "you" your wedding was. So put that fear aside and post away. And if any of those biotchs say otherwise, I'll kick their hinnies for you :)

  6. You silly girl...your pictures are awesome! I love to see how it all came together!
    And you are right, damn the Knot, they've done this to us.

  7. No, you're not the only person.

    But seriously, did you have fun at the wedding? From the sounds of your recaps, yes, you had a ball! There were people you loved and cherished there and you had fun!

    Hey, it's the pot calling the kettle black. ;) I know how it is with the pictures. I know all about those worries about not measuring up (was I creative enough? Was the wedding "Me" enough... disregarding that the wedding was also my husband's?

    I started obsessing about the things that didn't get done, didn't go right, and the things that I wish I'd done but left out. That's not how I wanna remember my wedding, so I clicked through the pics, saw the smile on my (and my husband's face), remembered all the cheesy stuff that happened, and that makes me remember the love that was shared that day. I even listened to the jazz playlist that my husband, the best man, and the best man's fiancée made the NIGHT before the wedding. I love it. And it makes me look back on fond memories of the wedding.

    All that rambling aside, bring on some more pics 'cause I LOVE seeing those smiles from you, the husband, and your attendants/guests. You guys look like you had so much fun, and that's what is exciting about weddings and recaps. :)

    Bless you if you made it through this mess, haha.

  8. I'm sorry, but your individualism and creativity is WAY more interesting than seeing another floral cookie cutter centerpiece.

    I love your pictures, and your ideas. Though they may not be my style, they are YOUR style. And just by reading and looking thru the looking glass of your wedding... it's a snapshot of the type of personality you have. I personally totally dig your wedding.

    And P.S. Tell any haters to get a life, and a little personality. Because you ma'am, have plenty of it.

    I've certainly got your back. ;)

  9. Oh, I know what you mean! Even though our first batch of teaser pics turned out beautifully, I still keep looking at other photo blogs and going "Why didn't we get that shot?" or "My hair looked crap, I should have had THAT hairstyle!" or "Man, why didn't *I* do that for the chairs?" It's not quite the same, but I still worry that other people's stuff is BETTER. Which is so completely stupid! Did you have a great time? Did your guests have a great time? Then you succeeded! My guests keep teling me how wonderful it all was, and though lots of them left much earlier than I'd have liked, I know it's because they had to, not because they didn't enjoy it (keep telling yourself that, one more time). I love the fun of your wedding, so please post pics! It's a good suggestion to do some post-editing on them - after all, the ones you're comparing them to will have that done for sure!

    PS - Stupid KNOT.

  10. #1, that first head table pic is FUGLY and I would have been sitting at the guest table snickering like the bitch I am with my other cronies.

    And really, think of it like a normal snapshot of Kate Winslet: beautiful, natural, awesome. And then the magazines airbrushes the life out of it.

    And then Kate Winslet flipped a shit.

  11. I totally understand how you feel. However, you conundrum is in itself exactly why you should post the pictures. We need to post our less-than-perfect but very REAL weddings, to show that they are just as beautiful, just as meaningful, just as worthwhile as anyone else's.

    I do not have a perfect sparkler entrance, I have a grand total of ONE photo with a sparkler in, and a story about how nobody noticed us enter the room because they were busy lighting sparklers. But this is real and funny.

    I *love* your wedding. It screams confidence and light-heartedness and fun. You guys are a match made in heaven - anyone looking at your wedding could see that.

    Oh, and your comparison picture? Gross. I'll post our 'top table' so you can see how very different it was too. And it was great! Just like yours.
