So instead I turned to the little pamphlet that came inside our box of spices. The first mission, should you choose to accept it, make a simple chicken curry.
The main ingredient (aside from the chicken of course) is our Maharajah Curry Powder and helping out our friend is Garam Marsala. Scary names but you can probably get a curry powder at most grocery stores. The garam marsala is a bit harder to track down, but it isn't necessary.
Heaven help me I actually have a recipe here. Hang on. I know I put it somewhere. Ah here we go.
- 1 lb chicken
- 2 TB butter (or just enough to slick up a pan good)
- 1 tsp Ground Ginger
- 2 cloves of garlic (or as many as you want if you're anti-vampires)
- 2 tsp Curry powder
- 1 tsp garam marsala
- 1/2 cup water plus 2 TB
- 1 cup plain yogurt (I love all these recipes that call for plain yogurt. It's so sad what we've done to the poor thing here. Declaring it just for dieters and ripping all the very helpful fat out or deciding it's perfect for incontinent people and adding more fiber than a shipping box. Yogurt really need a better agent).
The first step is to combine all the dry spices in a small bowl and add the 2 TB of water over top.
Saute the garlic in the butter, then dump in your wet spice mix. Stir quickly and stir often as it'll clumpify. You're looking for a smooth paste. I fear I didn't stir enough because ours came out kinda clumpy but I had a bigger fear of it all burning. I still have to come up with a better answer.
Once it's a smooth paste add the chicken, saute to get the sides a bit then add the water. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes stirring when you remember.
It doesn't look the prettiest but aside from the weird clumps it tasted really good.
If you want to get into curry in anyway this is a good starting point. It isn't going to knock your socks off, but it still has that familiar curry flavor and fairly simple ingredients.
Does anyone else have a favorite curry recipe we could try? We still have the balti I'm not sure of. Maybe when summer is in high season and we get lots of tasty fresh veggies to try a more subtle veggie curry.
What's your favorite "ethnic" food? Do you venture a lot away from what you had growing up or are you more likely to stick with your few tested recipes?
You are making me hungry for dinner! I like curry when dining out, but have never really cooked w/ it - I will have to try that! Looks yummy anyways!
Looks great! I was listening to Splendid Table on NPR last week and they interviewed a guy who just wrote a book called 1001 Curries or something like that. Sounded like it would be a fun cookbook to go through.
Ooo I love curry! Yummo!
Heaven Help me, that looks good! We like to try new ethnic foods. I am more adventurous than my man is, but lately we've been focusing our culanary talents on low fat, low calorie food. mmmm.
Delicious. I'm going to have to try that.
I grew up with Mexican food but now I make more Italian and Asian inspired foods. Tai loves Mexican but too much cheese in his favorites!
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