
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Picture a Day - Day 165

If you haven't gleaned from my little comments here and there I hail from the great state of Nebraska. The Land of Cows and Corn (though Iowa is really the land of corn, but they wanted to be known for their tornadoes for some reason even though they aren't in Tornado alley but we are. Don't ask).

And while I live in the second to largest big city and do my best to try to show to the world that we aren't all farmers, we do in fact have some wonderful culture and we don't all regularly mount our horses to go off and fight the buffalo.

But I'd also be lying if I don't have some farmer roots. I love driving the back highways of Nebraska where there's a good chance at the right time you will have to pass a tractor on the road. It's especially fun in late Spring/Early Summer when all the calves are out frolicking around.

I visited my best friend (the one with the new baby. Hi Tyler, how goes the sleeping and eating?) who lives on a cow/calf farm and while I took a ton of pictures of the new baby (and I have a ton to process and dig through) I also took in some of the lovely sights of Northeast Nebraska.

Try and tell me we're just a desolate desert that's as flat as a pancake after seeing all this:

I think this is what we call a slice of the good life. Or at least a slice of a gorgeous day out in the country.


  1. We're on season 4, towards the end. It was "The Killing Game part 1" I believe. I love Voyager!

  2. Lovely photos - farm life always looks so interesting!

  3. What fabulous images - you really convey "slice of the good life"!! These are all picture perfect!

  4. I think it is the good life! We will be driving to NE next weekend and I hope to see more of the same.

  5. I do love farms. Sadly most of ours have gone away and I have drive over 100 miles to find a good one. So thanks for the photos so I can enjoy from my living room!
