My leg lay in the grass for about 30 seconds reveling in the cool growth of the grass from the week or two we've spent seeing what it's like to live in a rainforest. When out of nowhere, biting stinging pain streaking up my leg.
I raise my leg up to find soul-less black ants swarming all over the top of my calf. The little bastards didn't just crawl all over, they felt like they had to leave their calling card behind.
Of course the jeans rubbed on my bites like crazy, inflaming them 30 times worse. I spent most of the day with my pants rolled up, spraying a non-alcoholic sanitizer on it just to get some relief:
Once I heal, I'm sitting outside baiting the ants to come out so I can hose them with a gallon of raid. Who's with me?
We can start a club and call it "Insist No Spiteful Ants Near Everyone" I just have to think of an acronym first. I'll get to work on some good t-shirts, maybe a badge or two to help convince other people to join us in our quest to destroy every ant in sight.
Soon every time someone sees an ant they'll whip out their purse sized clip on raid and extinguish another villainous black hearted mandible crunching insect. Only then will we be safe from small bug attacks. Who else wants to join I.N.S.A.N.E.?
I'm itching just looking at your leg, ughhhh.....this is the first year we have had ants in the house, just had the bug guy come spray, no ants so far....keeping my fingers crossed they are gone! Take care of those legs!
Ok, you need more posts of your thigh! I love the bandage!
I'll join INSANE if we can include mosquitoes. I hate those little suckers. I have a huge bite on my stomach from one this weekend.
Ew yuck. That doesn't look pleasant. I hope it goes away quickly!
I'll also join INSANE if it include mosquitoes. The ants around here don't bite or at least I've never been noticeably bitten by one of them.
I'll join!! I'm allergic to ants (not severely, just enough to give me a lovely case of blood poisoning!). I hate them!
I just recently found out that they've set up house in one of my hanging baskets!!! Ugh! Every time I water, they go running for higher and dryer ground. You'd think they'd learn. But no....
I'm in!
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