As has become a yearly tradition today my husband and I headed to the dog park with our puppy decked out in her Halloween costume and I took about a billion pictures.
The terrifying thing is she actually likes her costume, when I pulled it out her tail started wagging harder than usual, she grabbed a ball and pranced around until I put it on her. My dog is clearly barking mad.
Meet Mr Headless Horseman.
Hang on tight!
He has a bit of trouble keeping his cape behind him, luckily he doesn't have any eyes for it to get in the way of.
Throw the ball, come on throw the ball. Yes yes, I know mom's taking pictures but THROW THE BALL!
I swear my dog isn't usually this rabid, well about anything other than her tennis ball anyway.
And because half the fun is watching the Horseman bounce back and forth in action:
Happy Halloween Eve!
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