
Monday, April 14, 2014

Book Trailer Premiere!

I'm happy to announce the internet premiere of the book trailer for The King's Blood from Erin Kelly.

I love what she came up with from the few images I've made. The music puts me in mind of something from Hogfather, rabbits are always scary, and it's never wise to walk under witch signs.

I also received my book proof and have approved it so soon it'll be heading out across the country to bookstores.

If you just can't wait for the May 13th launch date, it is up at Amazon so I can point some reviewers there.

I should warn you, it's a really long book.

Otherwise I'm trucking along on my Dwarves in Space 2 1/2 manuscript and plotting a few guest posts. Marketing is an endless mobius strip which you only jump off when you move to a new book and begin again.

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