Time for that announcement I promised I'd make today (it's a good one, I swear).
For those of you that have been reading for a long time you know that early on in my painting spree I sat down and painted out not only my wedding dress but also my husbands tux. Okay so I can't paint people (it's the hands and noses, if we didn't have hands and noses I'd be golden) but I have a good eye for fabrics and clothing.
I really like my two paintings and I got to thinking, maybe someone else would also like a little painting of their own dress. In fact I've already done two of the more prominent wedding blog-o-sphere newlyweds.
The first was of Jenna's Evelyn based upon one of millions of gorgeous pictures she had from her wedding.
This picture of her painting was actually taken by That Wife herself as I have no skills at taking pictures of my own paintings. They always look so much better in real life.She wanted some emphasis put on the brooch and I really am still a touch gobsmacked at how it turned out. Maybe I should get some pins so I can paint angels on them or something.
My other newlywed painting was of Rachel's dress from Girl Learning Along the Way. I worked to capture the fullness of her skirt and also to show how light and airy it was. I love the color purple she picked for the background too, it really set the whole thing off.
So what does all that have to do with you? Why I am offering the same deal to anyone else who wants their own wedding dress painting at my store on etsy. For just $15 I'd paint a small painting keepsake of your wedding dress.
But for all of you my, blogger friends, I offer a better deal. If you'd like your own painting, I'll give you a $5 reduction and only charge you for the cost of supplies and shipping.
If that's still too much, you can get your own wedding dress painting for a whole $5 (so basically shipping price) by mentioning my Etsy store on your own blog in a post.
I don't have to do just wedding dresses either. I could do say a mothers dress as a present, or a series of bridesmaids dresses, or another idea I've had is to do both the tux and dress dancing together. The background is completely customizable as well.
And for all of you who are still waiting on your own wedding, don't worry I'll keep this deal open.
So, totally crazy idea or not?
Definitely crazy, but oh well. It's still a good idea. I only say its crazy because I know personally how crazy you are!
I think it's a great idea -- a perfect way to immortalize a wedding dress. Personally I'm not really a sentimental person so I'm not sure what I would do with a painting of my dress, but for the types of people who preserve their bouquet or carefully clean their veil to save away for future generations -- I am absolutely sure this is right up their alley!
Again, I love mine. Thanks :)
Great job with both of those!
They're great! I'll definitely be ordering one of my own in the fall after my wedding!!
I'm in! Love it! Thanks!
That is SUCH a cool idea. I'd never even thought of something like that!
I hope mine is in the mail today!!! Can't wait to see it!!!
And you know - this sounds crazy, but it's so cool that it was up in the snow with you just last week!!
I think this is such a cool idea! I'm going to post about it myself!
Will you keep this open until my wedding in one year? prease?!?!
I absolutely love it! I'm with AmyJean - keep this until our weddings next year! I love the idea of the dress and the tux!
I DID get mine in the mail last night! It's really really beautiful! I'm going to find a cool frame for it and prop that baby up on my dresser in the bedroom, by my mirror. I'll be sure to send pics!
How awesome! And I love Jenna's dress. As soon as I saw the photo of the painting, I recognized it. Beautiful work!
this is the coolest idea. ever.
I just saw your painting over at Girl Learning Along The Way..., If I got you a shot of me and my hubby (hobbling on crutches) coming back down the aisle, could you do one of the two outfits together side by side??????
This is such a great idea! I would love for you to paint my dress. My wedding is not until 08/15/09 but do you think that you could paint it before and I could display it at my wedding...? Also, I looked at your ETSY site and saw the dog in the photo...is there anyway you could put my dog in there (I could pay extra)...we love her so much but she can not be at our wedding?
yeah crazy like a fox!!!!...lolll
This sounds wonderful. I have been lamenting that I will only get to see my beautiful dress for a few hours. I may take you up on this after the wedding.
Do you work from a photo?
I can see if I can get my photographer to take one of just the dress on a hanger. I love those kind of shots anyway.
To Sydera,
I only work from a photograph but I much prefer shots of you in your dress as opposed to one of the dress on the hanger.
A dress comes alive and the folds and beading mean so much more when its on the bride as opposed to just dangling down.
This is a totally fantastic idea! I most defintely want one and will post pictures and name mentions all over my blog (weddinglovely.blogspot). I'm getting married July 16 of this year and my dress should be in soon. As soon as I have it, I will send a picture and we can iron out the details!
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