
Friday, October 30, 2009

Almost Halloween- Sale on my Paintings

To Celebrate Almost Happy Halloween I decided to have a little sale on my Halloween paintings.

Today and tomorrow, when you check out just put in the coupon code "HALLOWEEN" and you get 20% taken off your purchase.

This includes my paintings of both the Witch Silhouettes

Dracula's CastleAnd my tree paintings:
So if you've had your eye on any of those today and tomorrow is a good time to buy.

Finally, this video just became viral and while it is bone chilling scary for everyone else in the world it struck a deep level of terror for me as I quickly realized that this occurred on a local news station that I watch almost every day.

I'd like to say that we're all not that weird in Nebraska but well . . . this blog isn't exactly the best proof otherwise.

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