
Friday, October 30, 2009

Picture a Day - Day 332

Well, this is it. Today is my last day at work. I guess I'll spend most of the day packing up all the random stuff I've accumulated here, clean up a bit, and bid a tearful goodbye.

Yesterday my labmate, boss and a few other people in the department took me out to Olive Garden where I proceeded to eat way more Italian food than one person should ever suffer (I am not a huge meal eater, I'd be a lot happier being free to graze throughout the day. As you can imagine Thanksgiving isn't anything all that special to me).They also got me a card with a cute puppy on it, a gift certificate to Michaels (which I'll be amazed if it lasts a week. If there's one gift certificate I'm sure to use it's one to a craft store) and my labmate knitted me a few pot holders.

Stiff upper lip and all that, but it kinda feels like one of those relationships where everything seemed perfect, everyone got along great and the mesh was good. But the timing was off, so we have to go our separate ways.

But I've been wading in depression enough this week. Time for something a little fun.

I've been working at home on sketching out skeletons. Some because I want to work and understand more the human body and various poses and some because, dude, skeletons are awesome.

My first was just a straight on coming at you skeleton. I think he just looks cute as hell for some reason.I had a hell of a fight with the ribs and my hatred of fingers and toes goes without saying, but I liked the way he turned out for the most part.

Now onto something a bit more of a challenge. Let's try a skeleton that's moving around a bit. He's sort of a play on Baron Saturday with his top hat dancing to a beat.
Or possibly someone trying to ice skate missing the all important skate part and about to fall on his bony rear end.

Because no one should ever go without for Halloween, if anyone is still hunting for an avatar for the spooks and goblins this Saturday I made a couple from my skeletons free to share.

It isn't anything too fancy, but I like the clear lines and the simple black and white. Makes it seem a bit more fancy than I could ever really be.

They're both in the 150 px and smaller range, so it should hopefully fit in most places.

Feel free to take one or both and use them all you'd like. I'll just call it my Halloween treat to the masses and write it off on my taxes. How much do you think a black and white av is worth? Two cents? Maybe a Nickel.

Happy Halloween everyone. Tomorrow I'll have tons of pictures of our home haunt if anyone's curious just what we did to our front lawn.

Til then, it's never Halloween (or day before Halloween) til I hear this song at least once.I did the Mash, the Potato Mash. It was a culinary smash.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Those are great!
    I love the Monster Mash. I also like the Time Warp which is always played more at Halloween but great for any occasion.

  2. I know it's a bittersweet day for you - leaving work, but being the day before Halloween - but I hope you get through it okay. I'm thinking about you!!

    I can't wait to see all your decorations in your new yard and house this year!!

    Hope you have a great (as can be expected) day, and just remember:
    Puppy hugs!!!
