I got my recently graduated veterinarian friend the heartworm that even has a little collar.
But I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw this guy:

That's right, during those cold lonely nights you can snuggle up with your own sperm (there's also an egg for any guys needing some love).
This would be so adorable as a gift for a bachelorette party, and much cuter than any inflatable penis. Or if you have any medically minded friends there's a great T4 bacteriophage virus and lots of bacteria.
I really don't think I could pick a favorite, oh okay maybe this one.
That is hilarious!
My now husband got me "the red peanut" (aka. flesh eating disease) early into our dating relationship. I wasn't amazingly impressed (I'm super squeamish) but we gave it its nickname so that I wouldn't freak out when seeing it. They are cute though!
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