I had a sinking feeling going into it when the customer, the mother of the bride, asked for a painting for her daughters "mattiage" and the grammar and spelling got progressively worse after that.
But after a few e-mails that required linguistics to go through I got enough information so I sat down with the pictures and went to work creating a champagne colored (as I was explicitly told three times with two different spellings) dress with an outdoors background.

Rather proud of myself I sent the pictures off to the MOB and received back an e-mail telling me once again that the dress is Champagne but the paintings picture I sent, the very one up there, looks white. Now I have a hell of a time with telling the difference between some ivory's and white (unless you hold swatches up to your dress it's about impossible to really tell especially in pictures) but I made damn sure in processing the picture that the painting maintained its natural colors as closely as possible.
I will admit I got a bit defensive about the fact that someone who can't be bothered to use periods, commas or a spell check when communicating through e-mail with a business (we'll a sort of business) questions my own comprehension and reading abilities. I'm still waiting on her to actually purchase the dress through etsy, so this has been an interesting experience all around (and if I do get screwed over, maybe it will turn into Belle's dress).
Sadly I haven't had too many horror stories about customers yet (well sadly for all of you reading about my antics, I'm very very thankful for it myself). There was just the one demanding I mimic another artist that I shot down and this whole little debacle.
It's also making me quite glad that I don't work in retail as I'd probably get in trouble at least once a week for mouthing off to customers. I don't prescribe to the idea that the customer is always right (because if they were always right they wouldn't really need you as they could do it themselves) but I do everything I can to make the customer happy.
Now, how the hell do I paint an angel?